I bought an Ipod touch, to do a little surfing, and to try out some apps. This is the first $ for money app I bought, and I LOVE it. I have had many revelations, as I know a lot of tunes that are "Gan Ainm" around here, and its hard to get "sets" worked out and get my friends to play them, when they dont know the names, or what key I am in. I am lazy about figuring what key something is in because I play the fiddle, and all the notes are at my disposal all the time. Now Ive started making note cards with my favorite sets, with the keys on them, and I can shuffle them like a deck incase someone wants to nag me for a set list. It feels really great when my ipod not only names a tune, but can play back to me, a tune that I wasnt sure was even real for years. It really feels like a "Pal" for a second.
I have the Gen 4 Ipod and only use a wi-fi here at the house in Alaska. Works fabulously.
SandyBottoms about Tunepal