This is the first app I bought as soon as I got my iPhone. Id been using the online version of TunePal, and am super-thrilled to have it on my phone now. If youve ever found yourself with an unidentified traditional Irish tune on your hands, this handy app could save you untold aggravation.
Does it work? Yes, and uncannily well. Ive tested it on a few tunes and its accuracy so far has been 100%, for both well-known and more obscure tunes. You can play at any tempo, put in variations, even make a few mistakes. I dont know whats more impressive; that this app manages to extract the melody, or that it manages to find a match, even if the database version is quite different. Not only does it work for solo instruments (I tried it on flute), but Ive also seen it work quite well in a noisy pub, with several musicians playing their own versions and variations at once.
I agree with caoimghgins review: Killer. App.
Flutefluteflute about Tunepal